Kathleen E. Hands, M.D., F.A.C.E., ECNU, is a Thyroidologist, a physician specializing in thyroid disorders. Dr. Hands carries the distinction of ECNU, Endocrine Certified in Neck Ultrasound, an American Institute of Ultrasound Medicine recognized expert in thyroid ultrasound. She is a thyroid cancer specialist, and thyroid ultrasonographer, and the director of the Thyroid and Endocrine Center of South Texas.
Services: Thyroid Ultrasound, Neck Lymph Nodes, Parathyroid Issues, Thyroid Nodules, Thyroid Cancer, Thyroid and Pregnancy, Obesity and Genetic Testing.
Education & Training: Medical School at Saba University, Internship at Christiona Care Medical Center, Fellowship at University of Texas Health Science Center
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