Heart Attacks in Women
Family Physician Dr. Richard Honaker explains the signs, symptoms, and causes of heart attacks in women.
Chest Pain
Family Physician Dr. Richard Honaker explains the different types of chest pain and what they mean to your body.
Do all heart attacks come with chest pain?
Dr. Annie Varughese answers the question, "Do all heart attacks come with chest pain?"
Signs of a Heart Attack
Dr. Richard Honaker talks about the signs and symptoms of a heart attack.
Atrial Fibrilation
Dr. Annie Varughese explains, what is atrial fibrilation?
Coronary Heart Disease Treatment
Houston Cardiologist Dr. Annie Varughese explains how coronary disease can grow into a life threatening situation and how it can be treated. Thomas began experiencing chest pains from a heart attack and was immediately sent to the hospital where he died on the table. Dr. Varughese was able to resuscitate Thomas and get him on the track to a healthier lifestyle.