Tag: sinus surgery

Tags Posts tagged with "sinus surgery"
Inability to Breathe and Nasal Congestionvideo

Aryn was constantly struggling to breathe while on the baseball field. After visiting Dr. CT Nguyen at Houston Sinus and Allergy, Aryn learned his deviated septum was a cause for his inability to breathe. Watch Dr. Nguyen talk about how Aryn's surgery helped change his life.
Turbinate Reduction and Sinuplastyvideo

Dr. CT Nguyen with Houston Sinus and Allergy talk about the Turbinate Reduction and Sinuplasty procedures. Alondra had an ongoing sinus infection that would not go away. She was no longer able to breathe through her nose because her sinuses were completely blocked. Watch Dr. Nguyen explain how he the turbinate reduction and sinuplasty were able to open up her sinus walls so she could breathe normally.
Post Nasal Drip and Deviated Septumvideo

Dr. CT Nguyen talk about how he treats those with post-nasal drip and a deviated septum.
Breathing Problems and Septoplastyvideo

Joey was enjoying a round of golf when he was hit by the back swing of a player's club. Ever since that day he would have trouble sleeping as a result of breathing problems.
Balloon Sinuplasty and Turbinate Reductionvideo

Dr. CT Nguyen talks about the Balloon Sinuplasty and Turbinate Reduction procedures. Amanda had constant sinus infections, headaches and sinus pressure and could not find any relief from medications.
Balloon Sinuplastyvideo

Dr. CT Nguyen talks about a procedure called the Balloon Sinuplasty. Jenice had headaches, congestion, infections, ear aches and more.