Services: Allergy and Asthma Evaluations (Pediatric and Adult), Contact Dermatitis Testing, Diagnostic Skin Testing, Drug Allergy Testing, Exhaled Nitric Oxide (Asthma Evaluation Test), Eye Allergy Diagnosis, Food Allergy Testing (Food Allergies), Food Patch Testing, Hay Fever Diagnosis, Immunodeficiency Evaluation, In-House CT Scan, Insect Allergy Testing (Stinging Allergy Testing), Laboratory Tests for Allergy Diagnosis, Local Anesthetic Allergy Evaluation, Mannitol Inhalation Challenge (Aridol TM ), Oral Food Challenges, Patch Testing for Contact Allergy, Scratch/prick and intradermal testing for allergy diagnosis, Sinusitis Treatment, Skin Allergy Diagnosis, Urticaria (hives) Evaluation
Education & Training: Undergraduate University of Miami - Miami, Florida BS, 1985 Graduate Medical School: Universidad Autonoma De Guadalajara, Mexico - M.D. 1989 Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY 1989-1990 Internship: University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas Internal Medicine, 1989-1990 Residency: University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas Internal Medicine, 1991-1993 Fellowship: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas Allergy and Immunology, 1993-1995 Board Certification Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine, 8/94 Diplomate, American Board of Allergy & Immunology, 10/95 Recertified, American Board of Allergy & Immunology, December 2005 Maintenance of Certification Participant - American Board of Allergy and Immunology; 2010, 2011
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